Contents of the Succession Plan Screen

Use fields and actions to view and update detailed information for a single succession plan, including adding new successors and adding a development plan for a particular successor.


Field/Column Description
Job Title This is the name of the position.

Click the name to see the Position Profile, which includes a description of the role and its requirements, salary information, and required training.

Current Employees This field lists all employees who currently have this job.

Click a name to see the employee’s Total Talent Profile.

Successor This column lists all employees who have been identified as successors for the job, in order by ranking.

To rearrange the order, drag and drop an employee’s row.

Click a name to see the employee’s Total Talent Profile.

Date Added This is the date that the successor was added to the list.
Availability This is the date that the successor will be available.
Average Ranking This is the average of all responses to ranking requests.
Potential This is an indicator of the employee’s readiness to take on the job, on a scale from 1 to 5. You can enter a rating to one decimal point (for example 3.5).
Risk of Loss This is the manager’s estimate of the possibility that the employee will leave the company, on a Low/Medium/High scale.
Readiness This is an indicator of the employee’s readiness to take on the job, in terms of the time needed to prepare. Possible values are Ready Now, 12 Months, 12-24 Months, and >24 Months.


The buttons and icons on the Succession Plan screen perform the following functions.

Button/Icon Action Description
View All Click this button to display the Succession Plans screen, where you can see all of the succession plans for which you are either the owner or a participant.
View Talent Pool Click this button to see a list of employees who are not identified as successors for a job, but are developing the skills to become successors in the future.
More Options > Manage Participants Click this button to search for and select employees who can provide input into the succession planning process, including ranking potential successors.
More Options > Ranking Request Click this button to review successor rankings and to ask participants to rank potential successors.
More Options > Training Required vs. Training Accomplished Click this button to see a list of people currently holding a job, and the progress they have made toward fulfilling their training requirements for the job. You can also see the same information for potential successors and people in the talent pool for the job.
Gaps Click this icon to see an analysis of the gap between a potential successor’s current competencies and skills and those required by the job.
Set Potential Click this icon to view a selection of scales. Click a scale to select it. Click a rating tip next to a given scale for guidance on how to rate an employee using rthat scale.
Set Readiness Click this icon to select a rating to describe the employee’s readiness to take on the job. Possible values are TBD, Ready Now, 12 Months, 12-24 Months, and >24 Months
Move to Talent Pool Click this icon to move the successor from the Potential Successors list and back to the Talent Pool.
Add Development Plan for Succession Plan Click this icon to create a development plan for one or more potential successors, including the training and other activities that will prepare the employee for the new job.
Add Development Plan Item Click this icon to add training and other activities to the potential successor’s development plan.
View Development Plan for Succession Plan Click this icon to see the employee’s current development plan and review the employee’s progress in completing the development plan.
Copy the Succession Development Plan Click this icon to copy the employee’s development plan and apply it to other potential successors. You can also copy only selected items from the development plan.
Email Manager Use this icon to send an email to the employee’s manager. If you are the manager, Unable to Send Email displays instead.
Notify Employee & Manager of Potential Successors Click this icon to send an email to the employee and the employee’s manager, informing them of the employee’s status as a potential successor for this job. Once the message is sent, this icon changes to the message Informed on <date>, showing the date that you sent the message.
Delete Click this icon to remove the successor from the list.